How do you start an organic vege box co-op at your school?
Start by reading this page and filling out the 'sign your school up' form. Next send us an email and we will guide you through the whole process.
1/. Generate interest at your school. You need at least 20 parents at your school to fill out the "sign your school up' form
Please spread the word to your fellow school parents. You can do this by copying and pasting the message below to your class email list or as a text message to as many other parents at your school as possible. Even better is an article in your school newsletter:
Email to send out to class lists
Do you want to go affordably organic with your family's weekly fruit and vege? If you are interested in starting an Organic vege box group at our school and saving funds to build vege beds and teach healthy eating classes to our students please watch this video:
and fill out this form to register your interest:
Flyer to place in school newsletter (click to download)