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john purchase Public School's ORGANIC veggie box
sample boxes
feb.21st 2019 box
march.7th 2019 box

packing produce 2.45pm every Thursday of school term

pickup 3-6pm pm carpark side of the school hall
Step 1:
become a member:
password emailed
after becoming a member
Step 2:
buy a veggie box
use this tab to purchase a one off box before midnight tuesdays or take out a recurring order at any time.

password emailed
after becoming a member
Step 3: pay yearly membership

If you wish to continue after 2 deliveries please pay the yearly fee. it covers equipment & administration
expenses. Thanks.
Step 4: the details
view member's contact details:
Step 6: extra details.
password emailed
after becoming a member
school facilitator:
maria perez, 0419209098,
suspend recurring payment:
time of divvy of produce:
2.45pm every Thursday of school term
ordering cutoff time:
Midnight Tuesdays
divvy location:
stop being a member:
outside school hall (carpark side)
Box pickup:
Until 6pm Thursdays (bring your own bags)
box ingredients feedback:
please volunteer to pack the boxes:
Step 5: volunteer to help us pack the boxes
divvy roster

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