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We need your help with the Divvy on Thursday arvos at 3pm.

Divvying fresh organic produce is FUN! Ask any of the members of My Organic School who have given it a go so far, they all loved it. Taking the lid off a box of fresh organic corn is a similar feeling to opening a Xmas present as a kid. So even if you are not rostered on to help in the divvy you are very welcome to come and help us any Thursday arvo at 3pm. Many hands make light work. Just look out for Aline and she'll give you a job.

The divvy brings like minded parents together, we all pitch in and the job is done in 45mins or less. Your kids can play in the school grounds while you help and they get excited about the whole process of discovering where their dinners are coming from. Once it's done you can swap items with other members present.


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