Remembering to make your weekly payment.

It can take a while to get used to the new routine of making an organic produce order through a website each week. It's not that it's difficult, in fact its very easy and only takes one minute on your smart phone. I've got a recurring weekly alert on my phone's calendar to make the order on Sunday night (seen above), give it a go!
Download the website as an icon on the home screen of your smart phone, makes ordering even faster!
I'd like to introduce BOPCO's mascot "Bopcorn", he's very useful when you can find him quickly on the home screen of your smart phone.

If you are using an IPHONE please go through the procedure below to save our website as an icon on your home screen. (I'm sure it's similar for an android phone.)
step 1/. on your smart phone go to
click on the the icon circled in red below.

Step 2/.
This screen will open, click on the 'add to home screen' tab.

Step 3/. This screen will open, click on "add" which is in blue top right of screen.

Step 4/. and here you have it, your smiling little corn BOPCO icon ready to click on each week after receiving your calendar reminder to make your order.

That's four deliveries done and I feel like our food co-op is flourishing. We had 28 families receive boxes last week. The divvy is working like a well oiled machine with extra members stopping by to lend a hand which is greatly needed. Please feel free to help out at 3pm any Thursday.
Please remember to make your payment for next week's box today through the website (password 'bronte') (must be made by midnight Tuesday).
Please post your organic kitchen creations to our Facebook page to keep us all inspired:
Here are the members rostered to help divvy up the veggies this week, 3pm Thursday at the school. Please email Aline that you will be helping her
Jennifer Gauci-Cook
Jacoline Bekker
Sheila Munro
All the best,